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The sources - after

1- ORIGINAL SOURCES. Documents of the protagonists.

1.3- About what happened at the end of the trip

Letter from Emperor Carlos V to Juan Sebastián Elcano, acknowledging receipt of his and asking him to come and see him:


Source: Historical Archive of Euskadi

By Borja Aguinagalde. See Appendix 1, Document No. 2 of the link.

Notes of the expenses caused by the unloading of the Victoria ship, and news of the spices that you brought from your trip :


Source: Collection of Voyages and Discoveries Made by the Spanish Sea Since the End of the XV Century, Volume IV. Martín Fernández de Navarrete. 1837.

List of the maravedís that Domingo de Ochandiano, treasurer of this House, has given and paid for costs that have been made in the unloading of the spices that came in the ship named Victoria, in which Captain Juan Sebastián del Cano came, from September 7, five hundred and twenty-two, that we learned of their arrival in the port of San Lúcar de Barrameda, onwards and in maintenance refreshment that was sent to them and in other things necessary for the manifestation of it:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.

List of the way that the boxes and sacks with nails of the captain and master and pilot and sailors who came on the Victoria nao, on November 6, were weighed and delivered to Diego Díaz, merchant, on behalf of Cristóbal de Haro, merchant from Burgos one thousand and five hundred and twenty-two years:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.

Royal card for payment of 15,000 maravedís to Juana Durango, Juan Serrano's wife:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.

Royal ID for payment of another 15,000 maravedís to Juana Durango, Juan Serrano's wife:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.

Testament of Juan Sebastián Elcano, granted in 1526 aboard the ship Santa María de la Victoria in the Loaysa Expedition:


Documents on Juan Sebastián Elcano: testament and other instruments related to his family.


General Archive of the Indies PATRONATO, 38, R.1

By Borja Aguinagalde. See Appendix 2 of the link.

Last page of the will of Juan Sebastián del Cano, with his signature and that of several witnesses -among them a young Andrés de Urdaneta-, granted on July 26, 1526. Elcano died a few days later, on August 4.

That this document reached Spain was miraculous, as it happens with so many others in this bibliography.

Probanza of Francisco Falero:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.

Royal cedula to deliver to Francisco Falero the amounts that he had earned from his salary, on which a lawsuit was filed with Eva Afonso, who had them seized:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.

Royal cedula by which a life pension of 30,000 maravedís is granted to Gonzalo Gómez de Espinosa:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.

Royal cedula for Gonzalo Gómez de Espinosa to be paid his salary, not subject to embargo, who had been absent from Seville:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.

Royal cedula by which Gonzalo Gómez de Espinosa is ordered to pay as heir to Hans Vargue:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.

Coat of arms to Gonzalo Gómez de Espinosa:


Source: PARES. AGI, PATRONATO, 87, No. 1, R.3 folio 79 recto, and AGI, MP-ESCUDOS, 231.

Royal certificate of payment to the father and heir of cabin boy Domingo de Cubillana:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.

Representation of Francisco Falero to the Council of the Indies, listing his services, requesting that he be given something to eat:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.

Exemption to the heirs of Captain Juan de Cartagena of 48,217 maravedís, which were worth their merchandise that returned from Maluco:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.

Royal Certificate to pay Catalina del Puerto, mother and heir of Juan Sebastián del Cano:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.

Royal cards to pay the daughter and brother of the pilot Andrés de San Martín:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.


Royal cedula for the heirs of Juan de Morales, doctor and surgeon, to be paid:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.

Real payment certificate to Juan de Ortega's mother:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.

Real certificate requesting the reason for the salary due to Juan Serrano, claimed by his wife and children:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.

Royal certificate by which a grace of 20 ducats is granted to Juana de Durango, wife of the pilot Juan Serrano:


Source: The Discovery of the Pacific Ocean. Hernando de Magallanes and his companions. Documents José Toribio Medina, 1920.

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1- ORIGINAL SOURCES. Documents of the protagonists.

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